Real Kong Fu


On October 23, 2017, the training lasted for one year has been finished yesterday. 

Every one changed the title of me from “xx leader” to “master” again. In order to demonstrate the real capabilities of students graduate from San Qian Yue Jia Academy, all the trainees push me down to the ground and step on my back. (figure 1). I was pained and happy. Because this is the last exam of kung fu that master trains apprentice in China is the apprentice defeat the master which is the only way could pass the exam. Then you are full of the competitive aggressiveness in real world. 

(figure 1)

Everyone is kind that I could only pretend fall down in order to let the students to experience: the principle of survival. Also it is another lesson indicates the ending of training. The fiercest step on the track was student B. Of course, his following fate wasn't very good. Because he is the boss. So he enjoyed the “fun” of being tossed by all the students after me (figure 2). But to be frankly, to be a boss is hard, and to be a master is even more difficult than others. 

(figure 2)

Why student B and I were still tireless struggles, painstakingly and full of enthusiasm? Because we really want that the future generation will be awesome, and the new generation will be more powerful than the elder. There are no courage to overcome the predecessors and the spunk of the great love. It must be one generation inferior to one generation if they are based on a bit of happiness, a simple order, a little courtesy and a small field of vision. Any kind of kung fu that does not aim at defeating the competitor is ivory tower.” which is the original meaning of famous Kung Fu star Jet li made an interview by reporters. He is the only one and first one of Kung fu star with "shaolin boy". (I noticed that he is the only one attended two hours recorded program could put his knees, ankles, tiptoes, heels, feet completely together without gap and sweat. I've tried it even bite the teeth for less than five minutes. And helpless let the clip A4 paper breezily landing between legs.)

We really hope that all trainees could understand there is just a beginning for real learning to all of you go through the four seasons spring, summer, autumn, winter after training from 2016 to 2017! The master will not accompany with you to the future, you should be fearless and invincible, you should conquer the buddha if he prevented your road. Maybe one day you can like us to found the hiding in self heart that most dazzling natural humanity: liberalization.

Vivre la Chine neauvelle!!!

Journalist: Louis

Translator: Elyn



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