The 8th Training for Tonjoy


In June 27, 2017, we conducted the eighth training of sales theory and practice for the middle-level cadres of the 4S store of Shanghai Tonjoy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. in the training room of the second floor.

The training theme of Louis was "Marketing methods in the information era"; and the auxiliary training theme of Sara was "signing and concluding; the service of the car's delivery". This auxiliary training link also invited the staff of Tonjoy to interact; and the means for successful signing were narrated with their own experiences; and which details can be utilized for determining whether the customer may purchase or not were also proposed. The purpose was to make the training contents more vivid and prone to be accepted.

In this training, Louis mainly introduced the common sales tools and methods in domestic network and gave several suggestions on marketing tools for Tonjoy.

(Figure was the part of training content.)

Journalist: Sara



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