The first sign after Louis assumed his new post


On October 17,2017, at a business hotel, Louis met an executive director who makes a special trip to Shanghai. He would like to discuss Asia-Pacific market development strategy with Louis. They signed a document together. This document was the first document Louis had singed after he was be appointed as a non-executive director of one foreign capital international holding company.

This document just an application document, relates to the Internet bank account opening of the subsidiary company. Although they don’t have any domestic mature experience for reference and the future is uncertain, actually, the history of human civilization is the continuous expansion of vision with constant conquest. Although you have great capital, but if you are hesitating and refuse to change you just waste your capital. Only keep forging ahead without afraid can coexistence with the era synchronous. The beginning of today’s document signing prefigured PIONEER has already took a firm and solid step on cross-border cooperation.

Expect the document signing on this one-on-one meeting, they also discussed the new business architecture (M Holding Company, C Merger and Acquisition Company, M Trading Company, H Special Trading Company, I Financial Management Company, C Financial, Investment, Merger, Acquiring Company), increase the capital and enlarge the stock share of the Hongkong Trading Company, marketing expansion in China, recent potential project analysis and so on. The executive director gave a highly complimentary remark to Louis’ thoughts of marketing expansion in China. The meeting was successfully concluded.


Journalist: Louis




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